Tuesday, 9 March 2010

mothers day card

first stepper card for my Mum and creative craft blog competition


  1. Hi Michaela

    Thanks for your message on Creative Craft World, your card is beautiful! If you can please add a link to the challenge blog on your post and then leave a link on the comments section to your card that would be fab!

    You just need to copy and paste this http://kaylaskreations.blogspot.com/2010/03/mothers-day-card.html into our comments!

    Hope this helps?

    Sarah DT

  2. This is a lovely card michaela thanks for joining us over at Creative Craft World for Lou's first challenge.

  3. Hello Michaela,

    Thank you for your entry on the Creative Craft World blog! I love the shape of your card and have a weak spot for butterflies ;)

    Good luck!!
    Mel x
